I simply wish to say that right now I'm in the process of getting to know a person of the opposite sex. Remember the rush that I talked about in 'Dilema menjadi Single', the rush that ya get when yer getting to know someone. Yep..I'm feeling it right now.
Life seems more colorful and vibrant...and I hope it will stay that way for a long long time :)
hei, nice to know that...
argh, i envy u.
uhuk. such feelings has been filed and boxed up somewhere far away at the pits of my heart.
hi thinker bell!
you made the choice to box up...
but then, it's only YOU who can
reopen it..
it's never too late, man!!!
Thanks virgo ;) if you feel nice knowing this new development. Take that 'niceness' and multiply it by 10 and that's how nice I'm feeling currently.
Thinker-bell, I'm sure one day..Mr Right will show up. Just make sure he's not Mr 'Always' Right ;)
Actually..this nice feeling is depleting slowly...maybe this is only an infatuation.
what do you mean by ...this nice
feeling is depleting slowly?
oh no..not again!
only YOU can make it happens..
47 :
i know how that feels. i know the feelings of blood rush and pumping into your heart. and how it slows down almost to a halt, and suffocates u slowly.
frankly, i always can sense how short or how long my infatuation or love could last. kadang2 boleh agak whether this is gona be for real or just for the fun of it. but real love yg tak jadi are the ones yg kita tak boleh agak, and it lasted for as long as we tried sustaining it.
virgo :
i know. i've tried reopening my box once too often. and i m tired of packing them up after everything is all over. can just someone sweep me off my feet and not only being a responsible man, he has to be smart too?
(uish, sempat lagi nak demand ni. LOL)
Hmm....the sweet rush of getting to know someone new. It's enough to render someone insane!
tinker bell - that's a pretty reasonable demand, i think, since i have the same expactation jugak heheh I think when Mr. Right comes along, your boxed up feeling are gonna burst open whether u want to or not. Take mr.47 here for example haha
I, too, can pretty much tell when it's going to be just an infatuation. That kind of wisdom can only come with age. God I'm so old....
shaz : haha.
wisdom can only come with age. God I'm so old
i have to agree with u. maybe not 'age' old, but seriously old enough when it comes to this mushy-mushy-owh-am-so-in-love feelings.
i think, as i grow older, and the more men i meet, the more intricate/sophisticated my specifications would be. so sometimes, i wish i hadn't knew too many. LOL. coz i'll be more uptight in welcoming new-but-not-up-to-my-expectations people.
adakah ini keji atau ape. hahah.
Hey, congratulations.. :)
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