Kuat agama tidak menjamin yang seseorang itu baik (baik hati, baik pemikiran, baik kelakuan dll) dan begitu juga tidak kuat agama tidak bermakna seseorang itu kurang baik atau jahat.
Tapi tidak pula aku nafikan yang agama itu tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menerap nilai-nilai baik ke dalam manusia. Tapi sedikit malang aku rasa kerana agama itu memandang dunia ini dengan kaca mata absolut (religion deals in absolutes) - Itu baik, ini jahat, itu dosa, ini pahala, itu syurga, ini neraka. Macam digital 0101010101
Lebih malang lagi apabila agama itu mengajar bahawa hanya pengamalnya sahaja yang 'absolutely' betul dan orang lain semua 'absolutely' salah.
Sebab itu aku tersenyum apabila membaca petikan kata-kata Kahlil Gibran:
- Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth' -
Besar impaknya kata kata si Kahlil Gibran itu.
Kerana apabila sekumpulan orang yakin sepenuhnya dengan 'I have found THE truth' sehingga ke tahap di mana mereka berani pula mengatakan 'persetankan orang lain kerana mereka salah!' maka dari pandangan aku, komuniti dimana orang-orang ini berada akan terancam.
Aku tahu orang-orang begini wujud di kalangan kita. Cuma jangan sampai orang-orang begini yang menentukan halatuju negara dan masyarakat kita. Kalau tidak, mungkin perkara bodoh seperti yang berlaku di Pakistan hari ini akan berlaku juga di sini.
Percaya atau tidak, apabila aku terbaca surat khabar hari ini yang Benazir Bhutto mati ditembak dan beberapa puluh lagi mati akibat pengebom berani mati, aku tidak terkejut.
Memang sudah aku jangka hal itu akan berlaku.
entry ni bagus...tapi nak explain entry ni kat orang mmg susah...the term "ingat mengingati" tu mesti dekat dengan kita...sebab kita ni melayu yang penyayang.
pernah aku baca pasal melayu di jepun yang mengamalkan agama bila pandai,baik....tetapi mengamalkan agama bila dia suka.....adoi malas nak type...cuba ko baca. http://look_again.blogspot.com/2007/11/bad-muslim.html
apa kata kamu?
about the assasination of Benazir...i feel really awful. politic kills and there's no security in that circle. it's very scary.
you are not shock, but i am shocked. but it's something predicted to be happened, sooner or later.
Betul, sebenarnya agak susah untuk menjelaskan entri kepada orang lain.
Kalau berkenaan lelaki di jepun yang melabel diri sendiri sebagai 'bad muslim', truth be told, aku ok dengan sifat dia yang begitu.
Bagi aku, samada seseorang individu itu 'bad muslim' atau 'bad christian' atau 'bad hindu' tidak menjadi masalah asalkan dia 'a good person'. Insan yang baik, berperikemanusiaan, waras dan mampu membuat pertimbangan. Ini lebih utama bagi aku.
It is a scary thing. But I trust that politics can't kill, or rather do not kill. People kill people, not politics.
Thus the fault lies with the people. But on closer inspection, their actions are dictated by their minds, and thus ultimately the fault lies with their minds (or what they have in their minds).
I totally agree bout being strongly religious, it doesn't indicated that person is a good person. A person who is not religious shouldn't be labeled as a bad person. Coz I'm not a strong religious person but what i believe is, try to do good and try to think good. And don't care what others think of you as long as you believe what you have been doing is good to mankind and the environment. But I'm sure everyone have their on definition of good.
whats the difference between people who understand and dont understand?
we could see it in how each of these people conclude.
for me people who understand put up simple words when describing while the other would either repeating the same idea all over and make it such a big deal or use complex words/structure of words to cover up their idealess opinion(depends).
well what i truly want to say is...if you want to describe something...make it simple...no need complex structure/choices of words...your could miss your target audience.(Goreng lain cerita).
hei sorry,i speak from my heart because i think perayau comment in ATP is kinda flasy with nice words.but he's brilliant tho.
maybe something to ponder for next entry?i'm to lazy to write a blog...sorry.
p/s-communicate is to deliver.flashy decoration(words) will make ur audience...blind?hahaha.
First of all, thank you. That is an excellent suggestion, use simple words to communicate, I agree entirely.
If this comment is directed to me, the let me say that it is never my intention to simply use flashy words for the sake of using them. If I did use any flashy word, it is because I felt it's the most suitable word available to express my opinion.
With that said, let it be known also that I shall take your suggestion into consideration.
hehehe nope...ur words are fine...i'm actually having difficulties reading scientific journal.thats the whole idea came from.some researcher use far to many flashy words.i wish they could write better next time...treat me as if i'm just some makcik kampung who have zero knowledge in the field.
read Perayau comment in aku tidak peduli.The simplest words from him make me read twice to understand.3 or 4 entry from the latest.
sorry,never my intention to make this comment section as a tool to communicate.
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