Have not written anything in English for quite a while, so I guess it's only right that this entry is in English.
A couple of my friends are thinking of buying cars and asked me for my opinion.
So I gave them this idea.
Buy two calves and a bullock cart (or build/make one). Why?
1) No down payment is necessary - you can save money here.
2) No monthly installments - more money saved.
3) No extra expenditure for petrol - just buy hay, or let the calves graze freely - even more money saved here given the fact that the price of petrol is only ever increasing.
Keep commuting to work using the bullock cart for a few years. Once the calves have turned into cows/bulls. Sell them or better still, wait till it's Raya Korban.
So instead of losing money, you're gaining money. By now, all the money saved since the beginning of the bullock cart deal + the money you get from selling the cows/bulls may be used to buy a car or anything else that your heart desires.
Whaddaya think? Berani cuba?
so, what do YOU think? ada berani??!
i'll opt for jogging to the office la kot camni. i still would smell better after jogging then naik keta lembu and lembu tu berak merata. heh.
i'm addicted to cars,
if they ever buy a car....please maintain the car like its new....use better tyre..(NO SECOND HAND TYRE)/expired tyre....i have a few friends who realy is trying cheaper alternatives when its about tyres...make me think twice if they offer me a ride...well u get my point
Thinker Bell:
I'll have to sleep on this first before giving you my answer.
But in the future, if you spot a man on a bullock cart in the middle of the city, don't be surprised..come and say hello instead ;)
Yep, got you mean ;)
come to think of it, would we be charged with road tax if we r on the road with bullock carts? do we need to have a license and cart plate number? hehe.
if no to all, then i might be driving one next to u. LOL.
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