Setelah menulis post-post dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan rasa kepuasan hati maksima kerana dapat meluahkan pandangan yang telah sekian lama disimpan, nampaknya tibalah giliran penulisan dalam bahasa Melayu pula. Sebenarnya nak tulis dalam Inggeris lagi, tapi sebab dah angkat sumpah untuk cuba menulis dalam bahasa Melayu, maka kenalah tulis jugak.
Sekarang aku 'single' (dalam bahasa melayu nak dikata apa? kalau bujang, maksudnya belum kahwin...single=?). Aku sekarang berada pada peringkat umur di mana kawan-kawanku sudah mula berumahtangga, aku tumpang rasa seronok melihat mereka gembira. Tapi aku sendiri bukanlah gembira mana pun, rasa macam ketinggalan sedikit.
Rasanya kalau nak mengambil hati seorang gadis, bukanlah satu masalah besar bagi aku, rupa ada, budi pekerti ada, jujur pun ya (aku tak suka hipokrit), duit hmm..(bergantung kepada keadaan haha). Tapi sebab utama aku masih single adalah kerana aku rasa tak ready untuk mengikat diri aku kepada seorang individu.
Bila berkenaan perempuan, yang aku ada hanya kawan-kawan perempuan, spend masa bersama-sama, makan minum dan bercakap-cakap sambil bertukar pandangan (pandangan perempuan berbeza dari pandangan lelaki dan aku jenis manusia yang suka kepada penjelasan berbeza-beza bagi satu perkara yang sama). Ada juga dikalangan mereka yang aku rasa berminat untuk menjadi lebih rapat, dan aku pun tahu kalau aku luahkan niat ini pun aku tak bertepuk sebelah tangan rasanya, tapi apabila aku terasa begini aku akan cepat-cepat menghalang diri sendiri.
Kenapa? Kerana dalam hati, aku ada perasaan yang mengatakan hal hal begini:"mungkin ada yang lebih baik di luar sana", "mungkin nanti aku akan tinggalkan dia nih", "mungkin nanti aku akan jadi bosan".
Dan dari pengalaman lampau, sememangnya peringkat awal perhubungan (maksudnya pada masa masa suka sama suka dan baru berkenalan - dicampur pula dengan sedikit infatuasi) inilah yang paling menarik. Ada semacam 'rush' yang aku rasa apabila mula mengenali seseorang individu yang aku minat, tapi setelah beberapa lama, perasaan itu hilang dan kebosanan mula melanda. Bayangkanlah, kalau aku dah luahkan perasaan dan si gadis tadi pun sama, lalu sebuah 'relationship' pula ter-establish, apa yang aku harus buat bila dah terasa bosan nanti? Tinggalkan macam itu saja? Terasa kejamlah pulak.
Jadi atas sebab-sebab ini aku remain single, dan walaupun ada masanya rasa macam hendak 'double' (opposite single haha), tapi bila difikir balik dengan logik, memang tak boleh jadi.
Lagi satu, kenapa kalau ada gadis/perempuan berminat dengan lelaki, dia masih takkan mengambil langkah pertama? mesti tunggu lelaki mulakan langkah petama dulu.
Saya single jugak.
Lagi satu, kenapa kalau ada gadis/perempuan berminat dengan lelaki, dia masih takkan mengambil langkah pertama? mesti tunggu lelaki mulakan langkah petama dulu.
saya tahu jawapan untuk permasalahan ini. sebagai gadis yang agak2 macho, kadang2 saya ada gak rasa malu. however, at times i did the first move. ada yang pastu jadi (skang dah jadi ex-bf dah pon), ada yang tak jadi langsung.
but then still remain friends. let me tell u something. some guys are just as blur as girls. even after indirect/direct confession, he just acts indifferent. or perhaps he got it too often that he couldnt care less.
like i said somewhere in my comment section, some guys just plainly aren't searching at all. they r just plain workaholic, and if they aren't, then they could be homosexuals. hehe. no offense.
and i often wonder the same thing. why can't guys just make the first move then? if girls did, then dikata perigi cari timba pula. bila tak berusaha, dikata melayan lara pula. hehe.
men : another complicated subject. (i should write a book with that title. hahah)
go for it kak ayien. I'll probably die before I take the first step :p
Kalau dah ada yg ambil langkah pertama, apa langkah seterusnya dari en.47?
hi! why are you of relationship with a girl?
go out and search..ALLAH has created someone special for you out there!
go and find her...
hi! why are you afraid of having a relationship with a girl?
go out and search.. ALLAH has created someone special for you out there!
go and find her....
hi! why are you of relationship with a girl?
go out and search..ALLAH has created someone special for you out there!
go and find her...
Aku rasa, the greatest problem with honest sincere men is instability. He wants so much to be with someone but he's all to familiar with his own setbacks and 'issues' that he wishes to iron out before he finally makes a move for he wants to be just the perfect person for the perfect girl.
I may still be single but I believe that I won't be forever. There will never be a time when I'll be flawless and I know for a fact that however calm I may be and may remain to be, I'll be one helluva exploding volcano when angry.
It takes two to make a team (some OTHERS may choose to have more :P) and I don't think relationships should take years to progress to a union.
But that's just me :)
Fuyo! Baru dipersoalkan kenapa girls won't make the first move, terus dia buat first move :P How would I react to that- tunduk tersengih sambil gigit hujung jari telunjuk :P
Haha, Actually I think being single is quite a cool thing, allbeit only occasionally ;) Free to go about and do our own business without interventions.
Thanks for answering my question :)
I think usually it's us guys who are expected to make the first move (it's in our culture, surprisingly it's nearly the same anywhere in the world). And sometimes this put a lot of pressure on us, coz everytime we make a move, there's always the possibility of being rejected (in an embarrassing manner..but if the rejection is done nicely, no problem-lah).
-Shaz of Shaz:
If I was approached by a girl and she made her interest known, I'd belanja her ;) for a drink at least.
Duduk kat cafe, minum coffee, makan sumthing light, and just get to know each other. Kalau tak terbentuk satu relationship serious pun ok, at least jadi kawan.
I'm not afraid of having a relationship with a girl. I think I simply do not wish to hurt nice girls out there coz whenever I get too close I have this urge to flee, especially bila si gadis sudah mula menunjukkan tanda2 mengawal/mengawasi pergerakan, sms, calls, etc.
(ladies, give your men some freedom, the more you restrict a guy, the more he wants to breakaway)
-Tuan Azmil Abdullah:
That's quite an impressive name you got there sir. I think your take on this post is quite accurate although I can't conclusively say that perfectionism is the only reason (possibly one of the reasons).
I say so because I myself have been told by someone close to me that I'm an idealist (though I don't completely agree) who wish for things to be perfect before actually doing something.
Thank you very much for your invaluable inputs! Do come again! :)
Lagi satu, kenapa kalau ada gadis/perempuan berminat dengan lelaki, dia masih takkan mengambil langkah pertama? mesti tunggu lelaki mulakan langkah petama dulu.
soalan ini membuatkan lagi 100 orang perempuan cuba nk jawab mungkin.
Zaman sekarang dah agak maju mungkin. Perempuan yang banyak bikin first move.
just like ur destiny, mesti someday kamu rasa lain bila ada perempuan bikin first move dgn kamu.
Siapa tahu.
Tapi tak ramai. boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai distinctive,mungkin.
saya pun single. haha!
Really? Then I'll cash in on that drink, since I've made the first move here.
Chances are, we'll hate each other on sight. Chemistry is a funny thing.
(Oi Mooke, amik nombor aa.. hehe)
this is by far the most enjoyable discussion on being single I've had for as long as I've been single. sex n the city pon kalah.
hahah obviously this is the favourite topic for singletons.
anyway, i couldnt agree more but to agree with all my might (hehe) to this statement whenever I get too close I have this urge to flee, especially bila si gadis sudah mula menunjukkan tanda2 mengawal/mengawasi pergerakan, sms, calls, etc.
(ladies, give your men some freedom, the more you restrict a guy, the more he wants to breakaway)
for i myself, couldn't take that either. it's merimaskan. huhu.
Ternyata topik 'single' ini memang hangat haha. Nampaknya mungkin kebanyakan dari kita di sini ni single. Kalau tak single mungkin kita tak menulis blog tapi sibuk dating :P
saya sokong yang arif!!!
I am interested wih your blog entry.
I think it is perfectly normal for u as a man to be feeling that way i.e cepat bosan. I do feeling the same way too over and over again (am not a man/boy) until i came to a solution that life is a cycle. I think we are going to go through the same cycle over and over again till we die. I always think how am i going to respond when am in the situation again(when i got bored or feel, feel sad or feel lonely)but as always i dont have the answer.
"mungkin ada yang lebih baik di luar sana", "mungkin nanti aku akan tinggalkan dia nih",
From this statement and from what u wrote it shows that u r a really good man. So dont worry i believe that when the right person comes in u wont b feeling that again. And sometimes u dont realize that the right person is someone who is very close to you.
thank you anon :)
mmg bosan pun...tapi aku rasa...relationship/kawin bukan sebab primarily love
aku rasa sebab tanggungjawab....aku nak jaga perempuan ni...sebab dia sengal selalu mempersoalkan benda2 remeh(hahaha)
i could quit tho...carik pempuan lain...pastu repeat the same thing
tapi masalahnya...i have pride...and i dont quit...i dont potray the bad guys....girls describe me as innocent and angelic (kalau aku tipu pun dia org percaya)
toing!! terkena batang hidung sendiri..bagus laa gaya penulisan kau. jujur dan sahaja..(angkat topi).aku pun berkongsi pengalaman yg sama..takpe lah, maybe one day, bdne ni akan berubah
thank you :) well aku pun berkongsi harapan yang sama. goodluck utk kita!
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