Sure, sure.
You got looks, you got style, and probably money too.
But without manners, all that...gone.
I was standing there minding my own business while waiting for my turn to pay for lunch and you jumped queue -right in front of me.
I wasn't mad, mostly perplexed.
You could've turned around to say something like "I really have to hurry" and I would've replied "Sure, go ahead".
But no. You had to jump queue.
So there I stood behind you, scrutinizing your every action.
You tried to act normal; You were glancing at your watch, adjusting your blouse, scratching your head...you could barely stand still. All those fake actions were futile. You're still guilt ridden.
Suits you well.
Go ye with that guilt, I don't give a damn and I'm not affected in anyway.
LOL. sarcasm at its best.
u r obviously affected. but ape masalah org kita eh? mmg suka jump queue kan. mcm queueing up for anything is perkara ajaib kan?
i have seen people scolding very loud because of that...and i have seen people who just tolerate with ease.
cewah...macam la i've seen it all
kengkadang fedap jugak jadi orang yang tak mau buat kecoh....biarkan ajer...being sane all the time.
next time nak try buat kecoh plak laaa....super loud "wei tak reti beratur ke?" with a bit hahaha so that other people watching wouldn't be intimidated
thinker bell:
Memang ajaib agaknya. Freaking annoying! At least justify the action, say something, give a reason. I don't care if the reason is just a blatant lie. Sheesh..people
Maybe we can all do that one of these days. Being nice all the time can be quite taxing haha
hah. hapdet pls! :D
Even how smartly dressed one is, if one has to show that kinda third world attitude, heh selayaknya, kena sound kaw kaw je kalau dia jump the queue...
Ahem, sedari, Orang semua beratur..
Mintak maaf ye. Go DIE, please?
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