Kenal Edmond Dantes? Mungkin ada yang pernah menonton kisah ini di tv atau pawagam, sudah banyak versi dihasilkan, tapi semua tidak cukup kuat kesannya.
Bacalah karya asal, sepertimana yang ditulis Alexandre Dumas.
Edmond Dantes, aku mahu ada comeback yang seperti dia.
Yes I've read that excellent book.
But Dantes' motive was revenge, and until now, I have this nagging feeling that it's not all that simple in terms of evil vs good. Revenge is an all-consuming thing and sadly, the one it usually consumes the most is the one who harbors it.
But in terms of showing what human can achieve once his spirit is fired up, then this book is excellent in that term.
I haven't read the book but I must've seen the latest remake about a hundred times (thanks to my little brother). I haven't seen any of the other on-screen adaptations but yes, this one starring James Caviezel is sad fall from grace.
An excellent book. I've been captivated by the story ever since I was a small kid.
I was watching the tv during a school holiday and it turned out The Count of Monte Cristo (with Richard Chamberlain as Edmond) was the holiday special.
From that day on, the story became one of my favorites.
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