Pertama sekali, aku ingin nyatakan yang apa aku rasa dalam kes Sufiah, gadis genius yang satu ketika dulu memasuki Oxford pada usia 13 tahun, adalah simpati semata-mata dan aku harap dia bahagia sekarang dengan pilihan dia, kalau belum bahagia aku harap dia akan menemui kebahagiaan.
Bagi aku, masuk Oxford pada umur 13 tahun memang luar biasa, tapi aku tidak jadi kagum, aku cuma jadi hairan kerana bagi aku ini satu perkara yang unnatural (hence luar biasa). Apa yang orang selalu ambil masa lebih kurang 20 tahun untuk capai, dia dah capai dulu hanya dalam 13 tahun.
Pernah dengar orang cakap “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” ? atau “to get something, you have to give up something else” ?
Aku rasa itu yang berlaku kepada Sufiah, habis terkorban zaman riang ria kanak-kanak untuk mencapai ‘kejayaan’. Apa definisi kejayaan itu sendiri, aku pun kurang pasti, sebab itu aku letak dalam ‘ ‘.
Kejayaan = masuk Oxford umur 13? Really? I say that’s just a load of crap.
Ditambah pula dengan berita yang bapanya sekarang dalam penjara kerana didapati bersalah mencabul gadis-gadis berumur 15 tahun yang mengambil kelas tambahan dengannya. Aku tak dapat mengelak dari terfikir yang ada kemungkinan Sufiah semasa zaman kecil dulu, bukan sahaja diletak dalam pressure cooker 'kecemerlangan' bahkan turut di molest oleh ayah kandung sendiri.
Kesimpulannya, the whole thing is a total mess. She’s pretty much wrecked even earlier on, and I hope she’ll strive harder and recover sometime in the near future.
Mungkin ada yang terfikir apa itu “AAaaa….”, kalau mahu tahu, jangan ubah rancangan, teruskan bersama….jangan biarkan hidup anda diselubungi…misteriiii…
Let me guess Shilpa Lee. LOL. She was wreck even when she was in oxford. She ran away when she was 15. and the police found he and she told the police not to tell her parents. So much telenovella in her life. After she was found by the police she had an exam an she passed.
Her brother and sister also graduate in some university in their teenage. even her little brother had an A-level when he was 8. what a genius family all together. Great gift from the Almighty.
Anyhow, malaysian make a big fust on trying to save her from the prostitution. Why? Because her mom was a Malaysian. Look at her dad side of Pakistan? Did the Pakistan make a big fuss on the issue? I tried google for it and I received none.
The ministry could not do anything about it coz she's not malaysian citizen. she a british. So sad though. Malaysia is such a welfare country. come on focus on the inside people malaysia please. It seem like who wants to get free master program in the oversea go and do some hooker work and make it a controversional thingy then the ministry will help you.
Ok maybe I'me being judgy or whatever. But please yes she's genius, yes she had her so call issue, but its not the malaysia responsibility. don't waste the tax payer money on something that's not the responsibility of Malaysia k.
there are alot more dramas here in malaysia that we should really focus on not some controversional genius that's not even malaysian.
Maybe i'm onesided in this whole thing.
this is from Bernama
"The "Save Sufiah Programme" is headed by Deputy Minister in the PM's Department Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim who will come up with strategies to assist Sufiah as soon as possible."
Please, she(Deputy Minister in the PM's Department) should know which is more important.
This does not mean that I want her(Sufiah Yusof) to let her be as she is. I know that its the responsibility of all the Muslim when such activity happen. Just that there are other method that the ministry should think of to save her. Like make contact with the Islamic Ass. in the Britain or something.
Come to think of it there are also hookers in Malaysia that become a hooker to pay the tuition fees and also in her IC it said that she's Islam. But why not expose them huh? and help them with their fees instead?
Nah, so many overated thing in Malaysia.
K chow.
Good God i love your long-ish comment, puteri gunung ledang.
i have not read the papers since, well, since the election thing went a little too dramatic.
Save Sufiah Program?
More like Save My Arse.
And-send-those-bright-poor-village-kids-to-a-better-place-to-study program.
Sheesh, drama.
Owh yeah and i totally agree with you, 47-san.
malaysians. biasalah.
make a big fuss out of everything.
Great insight into the issue, and I agree with you too that our gov should concentrate on helping our people here first. priority..priority!
thank you! :)
so desu! sonna koto wa ushiro mono no koto desune!
yep, suka kecoh-kecoh, suka buat scene, suka skodeng, suka sibuk dalam hal-hal remeh, suka fokus pada benda yang salah saja, suka hentam orang tapi tak suka tolong orang..
dan macam macam suka lagi..
haha, ushiro mono.
imi wa ecchi no koto mitai.
untuk menjadi berjaya.
aku sanggup diraba
sufiah, sufiah.
i pity her, actually.
i heard that her dad used to punch her and her siblings in the middle of the night to wake them up and forced them to study and keep up the "we're-a-fucking-genius-family" image.
sad, sad.
anyway, oxford mcm x best. i prefer imperial college. hehe.
Yep, same here Zureen.
I feel nothing for her other than pity.
Kesian. Kes naya.
what a waste.pity her
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