Bilik aku sudah menjadi sedikit berserabut, kertas kerja yang sepatutnya sudah boleh disiapkan masih belum siap, dokumen yang aku perlu cetak untuk menjayakan proses perpindahan ke tempat lain…ah itu sedang berjalan…sedikit-sedikit sahaja tapi.
Semenjak beberapa hari lalu, apabila hari bermula, aku akan fikir…
lepas sarapan dan minum segelas nescafe, otak aku akan menyerap caffeine lalu menjadi segar, dan apabila sudah segar, aku akan bergegas naik ke tempat aku semula lalu mengemas bilik dan menyelesaikan apa yang aku patut selesaikan
…aku hirup nescafe dan senyum sendiri.
Habis minum, aku sampai ke bilik aku. Tak segar pun, dan yang paling leceh, tetap tak jalan.
Ada orang di luar sana pernah alami ini? Kisah untuk berkongsi penyelesaian dengan aku?
Terima kasih.
It always helps me to write down the stuff that I have to do. After writing them down, I'd stick the list where I can see it, by the mirror for example because it's usually less cluttered there and you can't help but look towards its general direction at least once a day. Hence it's always there to stare you in the face.
Once you've accomplished anything on the list, you make a nice strikemark over it. It gives you a huge sense of achievement and more motivation to cross out the next thing on the list. And it doesn't even have to be in any particular order. Proceed with the item that's most convenient (assuming they're within the same priority level). Kinda like what Uma Thurman did in Kill Bill. Hahah.
Besides, it helps to get the menial things like the list off your mind . That way you'd have more of your mental capacity for the really important things in your daily life.
Well, it seems like time's up for our session today. Please pay up at the reception before you leave. Thanks (sambil senyum meleret).
all the time.
what i hate most is to walk absentmindedly to a spot in the house and then totally forget what is it i wanted to do there.
that would usually result in another mug of nescafe =)
dulu kalau buntu aku tido
skarang kalau buntu....aku paksa buat jugak....slowly,surely finish
bila dah fresh...aku betul2kan balik
Aah...I'm sad to diagnose a borderline case of sub-level procrastination...
One word: Snickers.
And more coffee. And a few smokes.
I got my plans jotted down for the evening already.
"Get drunk."
Hospitals are too sobering.
That's an excellent idea :) I'll punch your receptionist in the face on my way out ok?
It's more than just..procrastination. There's more to it I think :) but what is it?
And yes, coffee is good :)
Nothing works like gritting one's teeth and keep going.
You've diagnosed me, perhaps 50% correctly. Any medication you wanna recommend? :)
Snickers, now that just might work :) maybe I'll try Mentos too, this could be one of those Mentos moments haha
I guess hospitals do have that -realist- atmosphere.
Btw, how come neraka3 keeps on getting renovated?
Thank you very much for your inputs. Much obliged and much appreciated!
Either I get a new pair of glasses, or change the background color of the blog.
Being a broke motherfucker, I choose the latter.
My eyes hurt. Yeah the white b/ground looks kinda dull, but it looks great on a Mac. So it doesn't really matter to me. Besides, people visit the blog to read. Kan?
nak penyelesaian?kawin lg.
(saja testing are u gonna approve comments yg bodoh dan x ada unsur2 bernas lgsg)
Damn coffee makes us weak.
Ha. Ha. NOT!
Its just that you lax focusing. I for one intend to kemas all my stuff to pack off to Kuching. But looks like, its been awhile things laid sepah sepah just like I left it a week ago. Poor lil sis who sleeps in that room! (Cos I purposely sleep in another room to avoid seeing all that clutters and ugh! Ugly sight...)
Ok. Thats blardy procrastination. Noktah.
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