Wednesday, July 23, 2008

To Not Give a F.

This is a fairly unique situation I'm in.

Having a blog and blogging anonymously should translate to I don't have to care about what I say here.

But..alas, I do care about what I say here.

There are personal things that I feel like I need to just say or shout out but then, I decide not to.

Probably because of the label 'personal' attached to them. But that's why it's even more unique. Here, I'm personal could a guy known simply as 47 get?

Haih...I really ought to learn how to not give a f**k.


Anonymous said...

why so serious mang?


Marjerin said...

salam ziarah..:)

47 said...

betul betul...haha..kenapa serius sangat?

hello marjerin! welcome. aku memang suka nama marjerin, boleh terbayang bau marjerin yang menyelerakan bila cair di atas roti panas!