That's one intimidating title, agree?
Before I proceed further, let me just say that what I'm doing here is just dangling out my opinion in the open, so that you may look, examine, see and hear it for yourself. This is never about right or wrong, this is my opinion. Please do not feel offended if my views seem to collide with yours, let us simply choose to agree to disagree but I hope we'll never get to that.
Ok, so..I was introduced to religion right after birth (if you're a Malay person, then most probably your dad made an azan/prayer call right next to your ears right after birth). Growing up I was enchanted by stories of prophets and their amazing adventures, thrilled by their struggle against tyranny, and gasped at the wrath of God unleashed upon evil men.
Therefore, as a kid, after being fed these stories, I had this romantic idea in my head. Simply put, what I had in mind was this - You do what God says you should do and everything will be allright, this world will become a nice place, evil will be gone, lambs will walk side by side wolves and all carnivores will become herbivores.
Ah, the entire world seemed so simple at that time. But guess what? It was just a phase - a phase that I went through as a kid. By the time I was a teenager, I became disenchanted, I became more logical in my approach to nearly everything, and around this time... I have grown out of the romantic phase.
Carnivores simply cannot become herbivores. It just doesn't work like that (but the DESCENDANTS of carnivores though, after thousands and thousands of years of adaptation may possibly become herbivores).
....may be continued....
how do u actually put labels on your entry? now where does kacang panjang belong in this entry? :D
btw, by the rate that i m going, i m quite certain i hit the 1000th visitor LOL. that, or 1000 times visiting. hahah.
I like to experiment with things, so for this post, I thought to myself "Hey, let's throw in a Kacang Panjang and see what happens"
Nothing happened really, but at least it has caught your attention ;)
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