Rakan-rakan sekalian, setelah menonton rancangan ini hati aku terasa girang. Aku memang teruja dengan perdebatan secara gentlemanly, yang tidak melibatkan jerit, maki hamun, sumpahan atas nama tuhan, atau penumbuk dan penendang.
Bagi aku, pengacara rancangan 101 East, Teymoor Nabili memang hebat, pandai beliau menyusun ayat dan menanyakan soalan-soalan yang kena pada masa dan tempat. Mendengar kata-kata dan soalan-soalan dari mulutnya bagai melihat pengukir mengukir skulptur (haha sculpture). Malik Imtiaz juga hebat mengatur kata dan memberi pendapat. Khairy Jamaluddin pun ok, kepetahan beliau tak dinafikan mampu dibanggakan ahli-ahli pemuda umno. Encik Nazri pula..err...tontonlah sendiri.
Memang tidak salah kata Plato:
"Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men"
Kalau Shakespeare pula katanya:
King Lear - "Mend your speech a little, lest you may mar your fortune"
Nampak di sini betapa pentingnya kebolehan berkomunikasi dengan jelas dan teratur.
'Anyway', apa yang aku ingin suarakan di sini adalah, perdebatan dan cakap-cakap begini patut diperluaskan ke seluruh negara. Bagi semua orang tonton dan faham apa itu logik, apa itu penaakulan mantik, dan apa itu berbincang atau berdebat. Bagi peluang menonton kepada semua orang - tak kiralah pakcik, makcik, adik, kakak, abang di kampung, di pekan dan di bandar.
'Translate'kan ke bahasa Melayu supaya Malaysians di kampung-kampung (dengan assumption di kampung penguasaan Inggeris agak lemah - namun bukan semuan orang kampung macam ini, di kampung pun ramai juga yang bijak-bijak).
Sebarkan kpd semua...
Ada dua bahagian:
Selamat layan, selamat berhibur, dan selamat berfikir.
seriously, i am impressed by KJ. he sure knows his business and yet to be affirmed with his stand (siding the govt that is). i have to say, he is obviously paving his way to the PM's office. (but hey, that doesnt change my personal opinions about him)
nazri,nazri. well, my views on him is pretty obvious anyway. so, ape2 la pakcik.
and yes, mr malik imtiaz, smart and polite man , he is. and really really informative and direct.
and your review is really accurate. kudos to u ;)
Hey, thank you! That's very nice of you :)
Another reason why I think it's important that this sort of show gets aired for everyone is because nowadays there are still
'pakcik, makcik' and maybe some 'abang' and 'kakak' too who'd happily vote for a party once they're given a few kg of rice, sugar and some other freebies.
I think Democracy works only when the majority of the people know how to think and how to make properly weighted decisions.
well, voting aside, i think what is more important is being educated and well-informed. and through that we would have better judgment.
elections can hardly be fair if the rakyat didnt try to educate themselves and the government plak being nontransparent.
the key of all evil would be ignorance. education and knowledge would determine how far the nation would strive.
eh, i dunno why la, but i keep giving komens mcm bagus in your blog, when my blog is just full of sampah sarap. hahah.
Your blog is never full of sampah sarap Thinker Bell.
You write about things that are close and dear to you, such things can never be sampah sarap.
I appreciate your comments left here, no matter of what nature they are :)
Do come again!
hi 47!
malu nak tanya tapi nak tanya jugak.. 101 East aired kat channel mana? (hm..jgn ketawakan saya..)
walaupun si nazri dan si kj(terutamanya) tu saya tak berkenan, saya suka ikuti rancangan sebegitu!
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