Here's something I found on the net. I believe this incident took place in Taiwan. Poor little gal...(stifling laughter) So occasionally when old people tell us to "Hush, behave yourself", we should be humble and accept their instruction.
Afterall, they have eaten more salt than us (lebih makan garam).
Warning: Being old is normally associated with wisdom, but be aware that not all elderlies are wise. Discretion is advised.
First and foremost, I'm a friendly guy (6ft tall, medium fair complexion, usually smile when eye contact is made) do say hello if you bump into me.
I'm always in love with world history,cultures and languages. Somewhat of a foodie, I no longer eat like a pig (maybe only when I'm absolutely hungry).
Always in the habit of reforming my life, as I find staying stagnant unacceptable. I strive to flow, improve, improvise and adapt.
Oh! And I absolutely hate idiots. I won't hesitate to punch one in the face and proceed to kick the balls (if there's any) while I'm at it. So, if you're an idiot, stay away from me..for your own good.
panty? a label? hahah.
i know now. u just want em pervs to bump in your blog when u tag that girl's panty. hahah.
(btw, y do i care so much how things are tagged/labelled anyway? huhu)
hi smart perv ;)
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