Monday, July 6, 2009

Kruk krak.

Aku kepak jari-jari aku.

Hari ini aku sedikit lapang, cukup lapang untuk duduk di depan sebuah komputer dan mengadap monitor menatap halaman kosong blog ini. Jadi aku duduk, dan termenung sekejap memikirkan apa yang nak aku tulis. Rasanya aku suka menulis, rasanya macam ada banyak perkara yang hendak aku tulis tapi kadang-kadang macam tak ada benda pula yang nak diluahkan di sini...mungkin perlahan-lahan aku sudah jadi kurang peduli...tapi mungkin juga tidak. I dunno, you know?

Kalau tak salah aku, aku boleh mula ber-blogging kerana aku tak puas hati dengan perkara yang berlaku di sekeliling aku, perkara-perkara yang are both very Malaysian and very irritating. Contohnya, buang sampah merata-rata, semangat membabihutan tak bertempat, mentaliti aku saja betul, pemikiran sempit ala 'aku saja betul', tak ada toleransi, samseng taik kucing (atau minyak, tapi aku rasa kucing lebih sesuai digunakan disini), dan lain-lain yang boleh dihumban masuk ke dalam lubang kategori yang sama.

Sepatutnya lubang ini dikambus awal-awal lagi, tapi tidak, mungkin kerana ramai yang sukakan baunya, kiranya macam acquired taste-lah. Benda yang sebenarnya busuk dan tak sedap, tapi kerana sudah biasa lama-lama jadi suka, macam kamu suka hidu bau stokin sendiri, suka kan? sedap? tapi sebenarnya busuk, betul tak?

Perkara terkini yang buat aku rasa cukup meluat adalah ini. Apa ni? Aiya! Some of you people out there are strongly opinionated and may think what I'm gonna say is wrong and that she (the dead girl) deserved it, I say fuck you!

I blame the society wholly...the society and the dead girl's dumbfuck boyfriend. I blame the boyfriend for having sexual intercourse without protection, pergi belajar biologi dulu la wei! And the society for not being forgiving bila ada gadis-gadis muda termengandung. You wanna fret, you wanna be mad, do it before she starts having sex ie: before she leaves home, ajar la pasal sex, jangan diam je sebab malu-malu Melayu konon. Once dah termengandung, it's no longer time to fret or be mad, take her in and then discuss and decide what to do next. The pregnancy can always be aborted or perhaps better still, the baby can be properly adopted by one of the many childless couples here around the country.

But no, such is not the case, our people are always crazy about all things 'haram'. Chief among them "anak haram", takut sungguh jadinya. C'mon lah, anak tu manusia, biologically, fully, entirely (and whatever other-ly) human! Please goddammit point out the haram part in the child for me, because seriously, I'm freakin curious.


O society as a whole, I spit into your eyes and stomp your balls with hatred and disgust! Ptuih!


thinker bell said...

47 : u would know how i feel about this dont u. enough said in my entry. hmm.

nurulazreenazlan said...

biasa la tuh, in this part of the world, semua pun salah perempuan, men want the privileges and the power, tapi how come perempuan get all the responsibilities?

fikir-fikirkan lah.

Ara said...

chill, man. I'm with u..

p/s : thot u gon say about kes adik nurin.. ('dead girl') tp cite tu da lama pun kn...but still...

farizzet said...

i dont care what other people say. i dont care why it happend before, but i dont understand why she decided not to go to hospital or at least get help???

tapi, setahu saya sesiapa mati melahirkan anak, dia dianggap mati syahid betul ke? anaknya sudah tentu 'maksum', tiada dosa dan pahala pon.

47 said...

thinker bell: yeap, i do know your sentiments when it comes to this issue :) i dare say we're on the same page.

nurul: true. malaysian men should think about that.

ara: i'm all chilled out now :) thanks for being with me.

farizzet: syahid..maybe yes maybe no, i don't know. but if that's true, then i hope she's in a better place. it's just too bad that she can't be around on this earth anymore. somebody somewhere sometime shoulda done something to save her.

Anonymous said...

have been ur silent reader... i pity the girl. tak kan sampai dah nak deliver takde orang amik tahu. We are all human.. takde sikap ambil beratkah lagi...
n i believe kalau org care.. mesti both of them dapat diselamatkan. Sorry terpanjang pulak komen. Keep on writing.

Abdul Wafi said...

this is nice. the blog is nice as well.

keep it up.

47 said...


thanks for being my silent reader. stick around..i might write stuff you like :P


thanks man, much appreciated!