Monday, May 18, 2009

I Forgot!

It was my mistake all along that when things got so confusing, I forgot..

I forgot to see the world in green and blue,
I forgot to see China right in front you (me),
I forgot to see the canyons broken by clouds,
I forgot to see the tuna fleets clearing the sea out,
I forgot to see the Bedouin fires at night,
I forgot to see the oil fields at first light and
I forgot to see the bird with a leaf in her mouth,
I forgot that after the flood all the colors came out...

so I hope you won't make the same mistake I made.
Take care people!


MariaFaizal said...

This is beautiful..
Thanks for reminding us of these beauties.

47 said...

yep, it is :)

and you don't have to thank me, we should both thank U2 instead :P

those are parts of their lyrics (beautiful day).

theblabber said...

with a bit alteration :)
i love song man.

have a great life ahead,dude!!

the artist and i said...

imej yang lawa.

Anonymous said...

typo. erk..tertinggal the word "the" there.kah kah


Matluthfi90 said...

ya. take care. = )

FdausAmad said...

gua nak ajak lu dtg makan kenduri kat blog gua..
ikut baca doa skali pun takpa..
lauk simple simple saja..

Kojack de Alloohaa said...


47 said...

miezi: u2 man!~

ms weed: memang lawa :) nah terima hadiah secawan susu ini.

mud: you take care too.

fdaus ahmad: thank you jemput aku, doa aku kurang pandai baca, makan aku pandai lah.

kojack: all is well then.

Anonymous said...

Nice entry! Wish that I could be out of this soon...


47 said...

Arissa: i know where you're coming from :) and don't worry, be out of 'this' you will...just hang in there!