Kesemua cerita-ceritanya datang dari keratan akhbar berikutan gempa bumi yang melanda China pada 12 May 08, yang kemudiannya di olah kepada bentuk strip komik.
Aku memang tak sangka langsung beberapa kerat lukisan ringkas mampu meng-convey intipati kejadian sebenar disebaliknya dan seterusnya menyentuh hati aku.
Highly recommended, oh...dan sila sediakan tisu!

More here.
I'm so moved by this!Sad,anger all mixed.What can't I accept this as Qada' & Qadar?
I believe the soldier that saved that ONE child could have saved more children.Order giver,darn him!
Yes,the comic speaks for itself!Deeply saddened...
mengalir air mata juga baca strip yg lain. yg best tu yg nyanyi happy birthday tu.
Goodness gracious me!Too saddened till spelling went upside down!
..all mixed up.Why can't I accept...
aku pun setuju. kadang kadang simplicity mampu jadi sangat powerful. i find the comic strips very moving! lepas tengok hampir semua -i was crying like a kid tsk tsk tsk..
haha :) it's ok, if there's any kind of typo or grammatical errors done around here, it'd get quickly corrected by our friendly neighborhood husni-man! the grammar/correct spelling upholder of justice :) (dude seriously..i love your noble work!)
yang cikgu sekolah lagi best aku rasa, last lesson tu. terharu betul baca kisah-kisah pengorbanan ni.
aku baru baca satu pun dah terdiam..yang lain2 tu nantilah..hari ni apasal semua benda macam ke-mellow-an?
teringat satu minuman soda - yellow mellow :)
it's ok lain kali baca pun ok, tapi kena baca. sungguh moving dan meaningful...kiranya macam mengingatkan kita yang (cliche tapi benar) there's still some good left in this world.
merah dan hitam memang sempurna.
setuju dengan husni
yep, sama sama setuju ;)
hahaha..thank you for saying im cute ;p
Thank you for saying im cute too ;p
*sambil tercari2 tisu
bu yong bu yong, merely stating the truth ;)
pak cik:
ahaha! ok no problem :D
yep i too have cried manly tears because of these strips. mesej kemanusiaan yang sungguh menjadi.
47, true story ke ni?
*airmata mengalir perlahan-lahan*
yep, true story. dahsyat betul kan?
dengan lesson-lesson yg priceless.
very nice and interesting posting... nice balck & white...
i like it...
Hey there.This is my first comment in your blog. These comic strips left me teary eyed and stunned. Despite nuisances of life, we should be thankful God still gives us a chance to live aite.
Anyway, great writings. Can I link your blog to mine? Thanks =)
Nice Day for Malasian people!
Omg! This strip is amazing. And the story, I agreed, gave me watery eyes.
Surviving and not giving up. Not only for this case but applied to all things in our life.
It's true that our life's hard enough. But, keeping everything at pace, keep going, and surviving should be it.
p.s: nice blog! :)
kalau saya banyak dosa, tapi tiba di situasi mr tan. Dapat apa-apa bonus tak kat 'sana'?
haih. Sorry la soalan merapu. Komik macam ni memang memberi kesan lah.
Saya tak boleh baca dan tinggal kan sahaja.
Mesti terbawa-bawa.
Disturbingly calming.
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