Aku dilanda kesaktian selama satu minggu. Jangkitan bakteria pada tekak yang sungguh ajaib! Apabila digabungkan dengan ponstan, kombinasi keduanya telah berjaya menghantar aku bercuti ke alam lain.
Alam separa gelap yang dipenuhi bauan ganjil, bau seperti gris dan berkemungkinan juga mempunyai rasa yang sama. Alam di mana tanahnya tak pernah stabil, apabila berjalan kamu harus berjalan seperti di atas tight rope, kadang-kadang rasa seperti berjalan di atas jongkang-jongket. Bunyi latar di sana sentiasa sama, bunyi seperti suara manusia..."AAaaaaaa..haaaAAaaAA" sekejap kuat, sekejap perlahan dan berulang-ulang.
By now, aku rasa aku sudah jadi cukup biasa sehingga mampu jadi tour guide untuk alam tersebut, tapi erhm *pst* aku tak rekomenkan tempat ini untuk kamu semua..tak best lah.
hmm. for a while there i thought u were happily off in some crazy adventure with borat by your side.
Dalam. Betul.
menderita sengal ketiak selepas biopsy hari tu.
tapi buat buat ceria.
kalau ada borat aku akan lebih happy, malangnya no one was there. ponstan ampuh, tapi sakit tekak aku lebih ampuh..
meng-induce demam dan pening kepala berpanjangan...memang sakti!
not quite haha
tak lah dalam mana..kot.
ms weed:
semoga betul-betul jadi ceria selepas ini! :)
what happened? and what's ponstan? fill me in nanti eh.
glad you're ok now :)
Borat kah tu??
sounds like la la land to me.
Oh God,
berapa banyak ponstan kena amik to get there?
kalau ada borat di alam itu, aku nak ikut. kita tong2 duit beli ponstan.
semoga kamu dah sihat sepenuhnya.
i was down with a really horrible throat infection, it's like your normal sore throat x 50.
those ulcers that usually show up on the inside of the lips, i had them inside my throat...besides the pain, it gave me terrible fever + headache. for nearly an entire week i couldn't eat, couldn't drink, couldn't even speak properly...crazy ass bacterial infection!
ponstan is a type of painkiller, throughout my sickness, it was my best friend :)
thank you!
yep, jagshemash! his name a borat!
perempuan cerdas:
i'm not sure how many...but you're gonna need to get the infection too if you wanna get there! :)
anytime! just lemme know and we tong-tong :)
i'm a lot lot better now, thank you..much appreciated!
same goes to you jebon! :)
Damm. Ponstan adalah seteru ulcers.
*Great success! Chiqui.I hope, you'll loike. I loike!*
yep indeed neem, it was a grreat success! :)
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