Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sastera Hujung Minggu

Sarung pelikat, tarik pelikat,
buah zakar dalam perahu,
disuruh lompat, saya lompat,
disuruh telanjang pun saya sembah setuju.


NeemoNeemo™ said... this real? 47 is back?
Sempena general erection eh i mean election 2013?

47 said...

Hi neem! It's been a while, I hope you're doing well.

I'm not exactly back :) as this isn't exactly a continuation of the old blog - just wanted to let loose some ideas tapi rasa tak worth it untuk mulakan blog baru, baik pakai yang dah sedia ada.

Whatever the case may be, this piece definitely has to do with the coming genital erection....I mean, general election.

Or rather, it has more to do with the mindset of the masses that has always been there, only made apparent by the coming election.

NeemoNeemo™ said...

OK, apa2 pun, welcome back. Hope you're doing well too. Jemput datang suicide park. Eh tp i kena invite u first.

Sue Anna Joe said...


47 said...

Hi Sue! and thanks Neem!

Jebs said...



47 said...

Hi Jebs! Good to see you again :)