Naturally we've all moved around from time to time, sometimes it's for a simple sleepover and some other time it's for matters far more serious like work or being with someone dear to you.
To me, the most interesting part, the part that I always wish for but seldom be granted, is the part when you open your eyes the next day lying on a different bed and at a different place. The part where for an instant the mind gets foggy, your body thinks it's at your old place but your senses are greeted by the wonders of this entirely new surrounding. Oh it's truly a beautiful moment, a moment of wonder and peacefulness. The gate of great curiosity opens up and you'll be as amazed by the morning as you have always been as a child waking up years and years ago.
Alas, the gatekeepers are jealous and would only allow you to peek for so long, a few seconds, or a minute at most, then slowly you'll realize where you're actually at, the brain recalls your journey from last night, all the little details come flooding back and there you'll be sitting on the edge of your bed, little wonders slowly melting away as your brain begins to change its gears and get ready for another serious, tedious, this so-called-adult day.
Have you ever felt that way?
Yes I have 47, only during holiday *wink*
You really need a holiday my friend :) Cheers!
....and I begin to wonder how much we age every second of every night.
i do know the feeling.
hence why i love to travel =)
kafka said,
'to find the home that you have lost, you need to go abroad.'
Exactly the way you described it, 47.
That, followed by groans afterwards. realizing that you have to leave that moment behind to fulfill the demands of life, work.
yes, i have mr.47,
esp on monday morning!! weekend hangover yg melampau selalu buat aku rasa spt itu. Heh
Isn't this sensation called disorientation? You're longing for it? Is it not a tad unpleasant? Maybe that's just me then.
WE all could use a little holiday :)
true enough neem, aging sucks...but there's no stopping the numbers, so right now i'm just focusing on staying fit and avoiding thinking about them numbers.
nice quote! thanks :)
yep...part and parcel of being adults huh.
weekends, and almost any nice stuff will have such an effect i guess :)
i guess you could call it disorientation, but it's a good kind of disorientation, so..i have no problem with it :D
haha. i almost thought it's about waking up at different lovers' bed every nite or every weekend.
silly me.
Haven't we all? =) and while you're having your holiday a nice book entitled 'the little prince' should accompany you. It'll do wonders. If you havent read it, of course..
thinker bell:
well it could be about that too if you wish it to be :)
thank you! i've always wanted to read that book, but never actually put in enough effort to acquire a copy :P
your comment has now reminded me of it, and i'll do my best to get my hands on one and savor it properly.
i'm sorry for the late replies. really i am :)
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